Oct 8, 2010

seeing the BIGGER picture

PART 1: "I just knew him for a month. We planned to spend our weekend together for the first time. I said I would fetched him up (I'm sorry guys, but I have this stupid rule when going out with guys I barely knew; that is never ever tell the guys where your house is located until there is something serious happening between both of you) . But when the time came, he was not there. I called him several times, but failed to connect to him. And the last thing I remembered was driving home with a broken heart, totally full of disappointment and realized, there was no point of going out with someone who didn't want to spend their time with you, or should I say, who just so not into you..."

Well, I believe there are some of you out there who have experienced this kind of situation and most of you will react just the same like what I did. I totally don't want to blame you if you just walk away and never look back at the particular guy .. or girl. But somehow, the way we react is truly based on the emotion and we make a conclusion only based on the particular situation, NOT from the entire picture.

PART 2: When I was driving home, my phone rang . It was from him and I answered. I heard his voice saying."Hello, I'm sorry, my car broke down when I am on my way back home, and my phone is out if battery at the moment. I'm using my friend's phone and I hope you can wait for a while. I'll be there as soon as everything is settle right here. I'm sorry for what happened, or should we postpone it to another day if you think it is convenient for you?"

See, I've told you...

Since the day, I've started to change my point of view, try to change my own perspective and try to be an optimist in every single way. I've learned my lesson, how about you?

p/s Even though what happened on that day, I still went out with him, and I felt sorry for misunderstanding his situation. Well, I'm just being the girl with emotion ~~

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